Roofing battens must comply with BS 5534: 2014. This means that all battens should be graded in accordance with BS 5534 and should have the appropriate supporting documentation.
All B and M Henderson roofing battens are mechanically pre-graded and fully BS 5534 compliant. This means that you can specify and install our battens with complete confidence with less on site sorting, less time and product wastage, and minimised health and safety risk.
Not all battens are the same. Roofing battens must meet the recommendations stated in BS 5534 in terms of their species, permissible characteristics and defects (knots, fissures and splits, wane, slope of grain, rate of growth, distortion, decay and insect attack, sap stain, resin pockets and moisture content*), including minimum dimensions and grading
requirements. Failure to comply with any BS 5534 requirement may mean the invalidation of supplied warranties. To help meet these minimum standards, roofing battens delivered to site should be pre-graded and marked in accordance with the requirements of the standard and have all necessary supporting documentation (as described opposite).
The way to comply is to buy factory-graded roofing battens that meet BS 5534 and have been produced by a supplier with a recognised third party certification of conformity.
Although BS 5534 doesn’t state where roofing battens should be graded, grading offsite - outside a factory controlled environment – is arguably neither practical nor commercially viable; potentially prone to human error. Whilst visual grading is permissible under the British Standard, in reality, only mechanical grading, using camera and laser scanning technology, is able to produce the most accurate and consistently graded roofing batten.